
WorkWork *in peon voice*

So every time anyone asks where I work, I have to go through this huge spiel about what I do…so here it is so hopefully people won’t have to ask anymore..Haha it’s such a pain to explain every time…X_x

I am a design review intern for the City of Berkeley. I work under the planning department and have two responsibilities:

1) Design Review

· So when a new building is proposed to be built in Berkeley one of the reviews it has to go through is Design Review. So there’s a committee of 6 people who look over building exteriors once a month to make sure that new buildings work with the Berkeley cityscape, that the designs fit into the surroundings, are made of appropriate materials things like that. It’s kinda like studio reviews…except in REAL LIFE! Whoa! So yea, I work for that committee, every month I put a packet together for them with all the drawings from the architects, staff reports that I help write up that covers zoning, permits, design issues, etc. This is pretty cool because I basically get to see the architecture of all the new buildings coming into Berkeley. Supposedly, I also have a lot of exposure to architects around the bay area…but I’m too shy to talk to them…X_x…haha I really should network so I might have a chance at finding work later. The meetings are always the 3rd Thursday of every month and run from 7pm until it’s done…Once we started at 6pm and it didn’t end till almost midnight! It may seem superficial…I guess at first? But this is really important to create a city that has building designs that are respectful to current residents and to build the best design for neighbors and the people who live there. As I write this, neighbors of a newly proposed live/work building are speaking about how this new 3 story building in their neighborhood is destroying their views…taking away sunlight, creating 50 foot allies where there used to be open space…destroying an old building, completely changing the materials on the exterior and creating something modern in a completely historical area that just DOES NOT fit! I mean, I’m sure, at least I hope that the architect and designers are trying their BEST to create a respectable design…it must be so hard though…it’s exciting to see all these new designs and thinking of the possibility of me designing someday…When people from the neighborhood talks though, they say very valid things, but it seems often that whatever they say…doesn’t make too much of a difference…but it’s good that they’re coming out to talk and to be in the process. This job is a lot of work, it’s tiring, but I would like to think I’m learning a lot, being exposed to design and city planning at the same time. I need to suck it up and talk to architects…On thing that bothers me is that during the meetings…when new materials are passed out, people pass me up and don’t give me a copy! PUNKS! I want to see and learn too!

· WOW…so another neighbor just came in and talked against this HUGE new building proposed on San Pablo…it’s next to Carson which is a tiny street with about 60 houses and the architect put the ONLY entrance and exit to the building with 96+ parking spots ON THAT STREET. So there’s going to be SOOOOO much traffic on that little street…pretty much destroying the neighborhood. The architect calls it modern and contemporary, but it’s pretty much a BOX. Even though there are insets, balconies, windows, articulation…pretty much, it’s still a box and the neighbors have a right to speak out because it’s pretty much destroying their neighborhood…but what do you do? Is there a possible design that can make everyone happy and still maximize revenue? This is the battle between the all the new developments happening in Berkeley, the “emeryvillization” of Berkeley which is so unique and has such a specific, special character…*sigh*…what to do? Oh, by the way, the architect…she looked so stone faced when people poured their hearts out about their home…this whole thing is a process and there has to be a compromise…some solution…

2) Signage

· Haha, this one’s a dozy! So! Whenever a business wants to put up a new sign in Berkeley, they have to apply for design review to make sure the sign fits the city guidelines, matches with the buildings, and has the right types of lighting. Berkeley is very particular about signage. This may all seem superficial at first, but it’s really important in the long run to have nice elegant signs as opposed to HUGE ASS teacups on poles 60 feet in the air that spins…that would be ridiculous! So people read a packet that I send them (with pretty clear guidelines) then they send me drawings that I look over and review…if there’s anything wrong (which there usually is) I have to call them back and come to a compromise. Sometimes, people proposed like…freaking 48” high letters when the limit is 16” high and I’m like WHAT THE HECK! READ THE GUIDELINES! *ahem* It’s pretty cool being able to see signs that I approve pop up around Berkeley though, haha. So this part of my job gives me a lot of exposure to working with people, to communicate, to make calls, write e-mails, things like that which is really good experience for me because I’m such a nervous person when talking to people X_x. ..but gosh, even in this job, I still feel like a kid a lot of the time…even though I’m 20, almost 21 and have all the authority, but I don’t feel like I do, and sometimes, I feel that certain people don’t believe that I have the authority…*shrug*

So yea, haha that was actually a lot longer than I intended it to be, but this will be interesting for me to read again later on. Haha, if you read this far, you never have to ask me about where I work again! =P

It’s a nice, pretty chill learning opportunity and I feel lucky to have landed this job. 15 bucks and hour enables me to pay rent and my own expenses, to be more independent, and less reliant on my parents which takes a huge weight off my shoulders. It’s a little hard to balance 19 required hours a week with school, VSA, and a social life, but I’ve been ok for a semester and I hope to stay with this job for at least 2 years? Design, the involvement with the community, architecture, city planning, urban development, and all this stuff fascinates me, and I hope to learn a lot more. Berkeley is changing so much its crazy. As college students, we’re here for about 4 years and we leave, we don’t see the development and the changing neighborhood like the residents feel, which is a shame, but I guess that’s just the way it is.

1 comment:

iExpress said...

Your job seems so interesting! Next time I see you I am going to ask you about other stories. lol.