

so...you know that space between reality and dreaming when you're like half asleep?

I was at my grandparent's house in Napa, sleeping on the ground, and suddenly I get jumped by a little kid. I wasn't sure what was going on...the sun was shining through the window right on me...it was warm and the kid was burring his head into my chest and just holding really, really tightly while he was smiling and closing his eyes. Gosh...I was soooooo happy, it was like...the perfect moment.

Makes me what to skip all this madness and just be happy, with a family, making sure my kids know they're loved and that they'll be good people who will do great things when they grow up.


[picture taken by me w/ 35mm black&white film]


Flow of Information

Gosh...the flow of information these days is getting to be way too much! Just keeping up with e-mails, chatting with people, blogs and new sites...there's so much to read, to understand, to respond to..it's crazy! Just getting caught up each day can take like..1-2 hours! That's like...1/12 of a day JUST managing information and making sure you're on top of things...madness!

oh..and tequila tastes like water. =P


Self Portrait

I'm taking Intro to Photography (VS181) with Janet Delaney and it's been an awesome experience, shooting with a Canon AE-1 SLR Camera (thanks Charles!) with black and white film, processing and developing everything by hand. I learned how to take pictures, and the technical things behind and I've grown really fond of it. The project we're working on right now is about portraits. I'm posting the self portraits I'm going to matte and put on the wall =]

Inspired by the skit I was in for Summer of Rice 2007 "Words, Words, Words" written by David Ives, Directed by Vanessa Van Zerr, with monky buddies Angela Ren and Huan Dong! Good times =]



There's just something about praying in a group...wherever I am, with whoever...When I join hands with people in a circle to pray and close my eyes, I feels as if everything turns white and I'm super far from everyone else, but we're still connected, holding hands in a circle. It's as if God is in the middle of us, listening. Maybe it's just in my head, but it's still so powerful to me.

I've haven't been going to fellowships recently, because of a few reasons..
1) Time...there's just so little time and so many things that matter to me. I figure I can invest my time into things that I won't be able to experience later on in life, such as VSA, SASC, and being part of other campus orgs, I'll always have God and the church later in life
2) I'm good with God right now..I think...so I don't really NEED a fellowship right now..
3) Especially with IV, it's been a long time since Freshmen year when I really got to know people, I feel disconnected from a lot of people, I recognize them on campus, but I hesitate to say Hi because I don't know if they remember me...so yea..But I bumped into Jessica on the way home and she was telling me how they're trying to bond too, that not too many people in our class really KNOW KNOW each other. They're doing a get together away from Berkeley and maybe camping to get know each other, but again I can't go because of so many other commitments..*sigh*

So I go when I can, to Seekers after work and to IV on Fridays that don't have anything else. Worshiping and praying with each other is great and I'll do it whenever I can.

Gosh..there's so many things to be a part of at Berkeley...to do the things I love with the people I love.


Why is Naruto so inspiring? Haha gosh...just the heart they put into the battles and the people they fight for...so amazing! I like cheer when I watch certain scenes...you just really get into it! i wish I were a ninja...^_^ *kage bushin no jutsu*..oh man, if only!!


and so it begins...

Heya! So I figure I should keep a journal of things, so I don't forget and so I can put my thoughts into concrete words. I'm not the most eloquent writer, and I don't expect this blog to become on that people check often...it's just a place to store my thoughts, my memories, my reflections on the many things that happen in my life. Yeap. This is me, as honest as I'll let myself be to see what madness ensues. Wheee!